Category: photography

Gears for a class project

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August 26th, 2010 Permalink

I had a class project that involved reverse-engineering a mechanical system.

My partner was taking photos with a point-and-shoot. I offered to take the system (a cordless drill) home to take photos, as I had a setup. Set up flashes and a white backdrop using a roll of newsprint paper.

I used the 85mm f/1.8 with extension tubes and three flashes. Two bounced (ceiling and wall) and one through a shoot-through umbrella. Fine time to find a dead battery in the Skyport transmitter. Now have spares.


Again, For The Win released its album, Bonus Deluxe Version, and celebrated with a show at Red Eyed Fly in downtown Austin.

Crawfish season!

March 24th, 2010 Permalink

It’s crawfish season, at least back home in Louisiana.

This is a photo I took in 2007 at a crawfish boil my friend Bruce had at his house in New Orleans. Like the mannequin photo, it’s in my desktop wallpaper rotation.

A long time ago I rented another lens, the EF 70-200mm f/4L IS USM from Here is one photo from walking around with it at Perkins Rowe, near my apartment at the time in Baton Rouge.

2053bw mannequins
This is through the windows of the then-unopened Levi’s store. The mannequins are not yet set up and dressed.

It’s on rotation as one of my desktop backgrounds. After fellow photographer Christine Tremoulet saw my laptop desktop background and asked if I had taken the photo (it was a Mac one included with the OS) I decided to actually use photos of mine instead.

While William Bay shot the white dogs for his Caponigro homage photo, Kareena and I waited in a gazebo at Auditorium Shores with all the water-sensitive equipment and borrowed dresses. Kareena was excited to have the chance to wear a wedding gown. And I was more excited about a wedding dress than any guy ought to be. It was a pretty sweet dress. While we waited, we got a few shots.


Model: Kareena
Dress: Antonio from La Chatuise
Bouquet: Flora and Faunas