Category: photography

The first screening I attended at AFF was the documentary Warrior Champions. It follows four American soldiers, wounded in combat, as they try for the 2008 Paralympic Games. It’s pretty intense.

All four soldiers were at the Q&A, along with filmmakers the Renaud brothers.

Thank you for your service.



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Battlestar Galactica was lots of fun. Good television. But wait, the show is over and reached a end of story? Uh-oh, can’t make a spinoff sequel. What to do… Let’s make a prequel!

Caprica was one of the screenings at the Austin Film Festival I had heard of prior to signing up to photograph events.

Actor Esai Morales (Joesph Adama) and director Jeffrey Reiner attended the screening and did a Q&A session afterwards.


Esai was funny, in marked contrast to his quite serious character. At one point he channeled Edward James Olmos’s glare:


My friend Carter has a new project: Again, For The Win. To celebrate their formation and Megan‘s birthday, Carter, Paul, Wayne, and Travis threw a barbecue (really, just grilling some and partying).

Since most of the members of Carter’s other project stumbledrunk were there, they also gave an impromptu performance. It was fun times.