As part of National Engineers Week, the Student Engineering Council at the University of Texas at Austin hosts its own E-Week competitions.
It’s a week of craziness. There were two major service/outreach days: Engineering Day at the Museum and Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day. Each of the student societies competed in and hosted competitions, including capture the flag, Rock Band, talent show, lip-syncing contest, and a canned food drive/building contest.
Throughout the whole week, student societies also scrambled to complete scavenger hunt items like “Make an origami zoo (at least 20 different animals)” and “Make UT clocktower out of legos.”
The student chapter of ASME at UT competed, and won its sixth consecutive year. See the official writeup, Engineers Week — 18th — 25th February, 2011.
Most creative picture with the “Clock Knot†involving only a society’s members. Originally I wanted to do a flash composite, but this was deemed to be too time- and labor-intensive. So instead, we used the geography to our advantage. Inspired by “I Should’Ve Had a V8” by Ryan Brenizer.

All of one’s society officers with Alec (bonus for another organization’s officers picture)